At times like that you have to strike a balance between sleep and homework. 在这种情形下你得在休息和做作业之间找到一种平衡。
Institutional investors are also looking to hard assets to strike a balance between income and capital appreciation. 机构投资者也将目光投向了硬资产,以求在收入和资本升值之间取得平衡。
One caveat: You need to strike a balance between too much information and too little information. 警告:需要在信息过多和信息过少之间找到一个平衡点。
Businesses must always strike a balance between conformance and performance& with security concerns providing boundary conditions. 企业必须总是在一致性与性能之间权衡利弊&并且让安全性提供边界条件。
We must strike a balance between promoting economic growth and holding down inflation. 我们必须在经济发展和抑制通货膨胀之间找出一个平衡点。
You need to strike a balance between traditional formality and e-mail informality. 你需要在传统意义上的正式和电邮的非正式中找到平衡。
We should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body. 我们应该努力试着在这两者之间做到平衡,并将财富与健康的身体相伴。
We should strike a balance between amusement an study. 我们要在娱乐和学习间保持一个平衡。
We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy. Lynn has long, straight, red hair. 我们设法做到宽严并济,恩威兼施。林恩有长而直的红发。
We are also challenging our own agriculture and fishing sectors to strike a balance between local supply and commercialization. 我们也要对我们自己的农业和渔业部门加强舆论监督,力争在本地供应和商业化两者之间取得平衡。
You have to strike a balance between power and control on your shots. 击球时你必须找到力量和控制间的平衡。
Min's team say China must become more energy efficient and moderate its use of natural resources if it is to strike a balance between economic development and environmental health. 邵敏的研究组称,中国必须提高能效比减缓对自然能源的使用,如果这种行为破环了经济发展和环境卫生的平衡。
It's hard to strike a balance between caution and boldness. 很难在谨慎和大胆之间找到平衡点。
Finding the right lighting direction requires the photographer to strike a balance between several potentially competing considerations. 找到合适的光源的方向需要摄影师之间找到平衡点几个潜在的竞争的考量。
Managers have to strike a balance between expenditure and efficiency and between the cost of anticipation and that of repair. 管理人员必须在支出和效率、预防成本和维修成本之间谋求平衡。
Additionally, you must strike a balance between security and usability in all the expected scenarios using trusted code. 此外,在使用受信任代码的所有预期方案中,必须在代码的安全性和可用性之间达成一种平衡。
China is making attempts to strike a balance between individual privacy and public interests. 中国正试图在个人隐私和公共利益之间获得一个平衡点。
He added that China must strike a balance between economic growth speed, job creation and inflation control. 他补充,中国必须公平处理经济增长速度,工作机会,及通货控制之间的平衡。
Let's strike a Balance between the two opposing sides. 让我们在两个相对面上找到一点平衡点。
Lord norwich's second task was to strike a balance over time. 诺威奇勋爵要做的第二件事则是对各时期的史实都等量齐观。
This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play. 老师试图使学生们的学业和娱乐两全其美。
Rubric strike a balance and blue word are retrorse strike a balance is a meaning. 红字冲账和蓝字反向冲账是一个意思。
For Agile Teams the challenge is to strike a balance between the structure required to achieve high performance and the leadership control to effect it. 想要在需要取得高绩效表现的组织结构和对之有影响的领导控制之间取得一个平衡,这对敏捷团队是个挑战。
Strike a balance is a kind of method that has corrective to wrong account. 冲账是对错误的账户进行纠正的一种方法。
The ability to differentiate and strike a balance between personal freedoms and the rule of law; 懂得分辨和平衡个人自由与法治;
But we need to strike a balance between telling it all and telling nothing. 但是我们必须在全部说出和什么也不说之间找到中庸之道。
Africa said interviewees should attempt to strike a balance between dominating the conversation and being too reserved and shy. 阿非利加说,在面试时,应聘者应该在夸夸其谈和拘谨不言之间寻找一个平衡点。
How can we strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection? 我们怎样才能保持经济发展和环境保护的平衡?
We must strike a balance between reckless spending and penny-pinching. 我们必须在挥霍和吝啬之间找到平衡点。
The new guidelines strike a balance between sentence severity and leniency. 新条例在处罚的惩罚性和宽容性方面做了一个均衡。